How to Vote

Every eligible elector will use their GBC log in to vote, and the elector must use these credentials to log into the voting system and cast their vote. The electronic system calculates the ballots at the close of voting, and the Chief Returning Officer will publish the results. Any full time post-secondary student can vote for any executive position or the Student Representative to the Board of Governor.  Any full time post-secondary student within the Educational Centre can vote for the Educational Centre Representative. 

Voting will take place online at and at the on campus staffed table locations below:

St. James Campus: Hosp – 300 Adelaide – AtriumBeside the Main reception desk

Casa Loma Campus: C Building – Second FloorSA Connect Hub – Cafeteria

Casa Loma Campus: E building – First FloorCafé-lounge – Front of Games room doors

Water Front Campus: First floor – AtriumSA Connect/program Tables by stairwell